In today’s market, content is king. When you have exciting, intriguing content that attracts people to read and be interested again and again, you are actually operating effective marketing activity that can be converted into business goals. The method of activity is based on the concept of creating digital real estate, such as blogs, applications, social networks and various information dissemination methods, which aim to stimulate and encourage users to return to the content you distribute until they are eventually converted to customers.
Zazim BaReshet operates a marketing system using content that is operated by experts in the field. By creating attraction factors for users, we know how to implement conversion actions and turn them into relevant leads that you can transform into customers. Through precise actions, based on a winning marketing strategy, we can build a unique and creative world that will attract your customers to take an interest in you and your services.
We believe that with accurate and engaging content, it is possible to create an impressive business and competitive advantage, and this is the most efficient and effective way to utilize digital platforms for extensive marketing purposes. We do this through orderly and accurate work processes:
- Characterization and segmentation of target audiences and business objectives
- Identifying relevant content areas according to the segmentation and goals
- Building a comprehensive marketing strategy
- Setting up or upgrading digital real estate assets for content marketing
- Implementation of automation for marketing processes – automated email system, pixel marketing, creating remarketing lists, interfacing with CRM and more
- Motivating ongoing activity and creating interest for users
- Continuous tracking and optimization in order to improve performance and accuracy of results
- Regular reports on the activity, combined with continuance consultation with you
- All this while working with accuracy and full transparency with you to create a perfect synergy with your business